Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Quick and easy Valentine's Day Cards

Hey all,
this is just a quick, silly project. Some years it amuses me to make cards for the people I lurve and mail them in the snailmail. Not a complex project by any stretch of the imagination. I don't really do much with the holiday, but I sorta miss how in school we always got all those cute little valentines. So sometimes I make some or buy some and send em out. ;)

If you're like me, you have loads of random paper, stickers, glitter, glue etc just hanging out waiting for the next crafty inspiration to strike. This year I decided to combine highbrow 'crafty' with lowbrow 'kindergarten' ;) meaning I used fancy papers in tandem with disney princess stickers and other such silliness.

 I had prepared by using a cute heart shaped template and cutting out hearts from pretty pretty papers. I'd also cut down some heavier cardstock into card shaped sizes, although I also used some lighter colored paper. Then I got crafthappy with the stickers and such. ;) Et Voila!

 I'm actually sort of loving the mixture of high end crafty crap with ultra low. Also Disney Princesses.

This last one is for my lady love, who is herself a pretty pretty princess. ;)